Jack & Trisha Waters

September 25, 2020 at Newfields in Indianapolis, Indiana

Their Love Story

Jack and Trisha have the love story that most people dream of! Although they met in high school through a mutual friend in 2010, Trisha vividly remembers seeing Jack onstage with his Freshman choir in 2007 and thinking he was “so cute with his scene boy haircut” but she also thought he was out of her league. “I first noticed him and his absolutely obnoxious laugh in the hallways (he's still obnoxious and I tell him this often, with love), and I just naturally gravitated towards him. I started trying to exist in the same space as him to try and work up the courage to talk to him and drop some hints.”

They started attending the same concerts at The Gear in Franklin and bonded over their similar taste in music and movies. Then, on September 26, 2010, Jack took Trisha on a date to Anderson Orchard, which was “obviously the most romantic place in Mooresville” according to Jack, and asked her to be his girlfriend.

“I love that he pushes me to stand up for myself, he makes me stronger. He makes me see that I am valuable and that my feelings are valid and should be expressed. Although he is reserved and quiet from an outsider's perspective, he has such a bright and positive and fun energy that spreads to everyone around him. I love how calm he is in all situations. When I am freaking out and losing my mind, he is there to tell me everything will be alright and offer level-headed solutions. He's got my back no matter what my choices are -- he is truly my ride or die best friend.”

They are both very practical people. They like to discuss big life decisions and make sure they are always on the same page. They were never really worried about getting married in the past 10 years because they didn't plan on going anywhere and they were content with what they had from their little family to the house they bought last year and their steady jobs. “But this insane and scary year we've been having really made me start thinking about what I wanted out of life and what regrets I would have if our lives were to end. I wanted to be connected to him legally as well as spiritually. I was really nervous about telling him I wanted to get married, but I shouldn't have been--once he knew that was what I wanted he seemed really excited to move things along!”

“If you ask anyone outside my immediate family they'd probably tell you I'm a grouch, which is fair, but Trisha has helped me become a nicer more open minded person. She's the yin to my yang in a sense that we have a different taste/preference to most superficial things (movies/food/games/activities) but when it comes down to how we want to live our life we couldn't be more in sync. I love that she pushes me to try new things and to get out of my comfort zone while other times she enables me (in a good way) to be a hermit somedays and play video games for the better part of 15 hours. We can be our own person but we fit together like puzzle pieces and she's legitimately my other half.”

They like to be in-the-moment and their proposal was no different! When reflecting on this moment, Jack said “I'll be the first to admit that we didn't have some Instagram showstopper proposal. After being together for 9.5 years we finally decided to tie the knot. We shopped for rings together and when her engagement ring came in I couldn't wait to see it on her. I proposed in our living room about a day after the thing arrived.”

After 10 years, they’ve grown up together and lived through many changes, but have always been a constant in each other’s lives.


Their Elopement

When asked about what she’s most excited for when thinking about being married to Jack, Trisha said “I'm most excited to settle down. I'm very much a person who needs security and something steady & constant to fall back on in order to thrive. Jack is that for me. I'm excited for TV show binges and dinner experiments, long walks and tedious grocery trips, stay-cations and vacations. At this exact moment, I look forward to spending time with him working in our new home, preparing for the holidays as a married couple, and taking care of our little baby dog.”

Jack had a humorous, but very similar response as well “The tax break for sure, kidding of course. I'm excited to build on our existing relationship. I love doing mundane stuff with her and I can't wait to do all of life's little things with her until we're old and feeble.”

In the midst of a pandemic and following their “in-the-moment” approach to life, Jack and Trisha decided to elope in the presence of their immediate families the evening before their 10 year anniversary. They found the perfect location at Newfields, nestled in a small garden near a fountain, to say their vows and host their intimate ceremony.


Our Favorite Memory

We’ve had the pleasure of knowing Jack and Trisha for several years and have always admired the love that they share for each other. Being part of the step into the next chapter of their life together and being able to capture the memories and special moments between them was an honor in itself, but hearing their vows firsthand and seeing their love and joy radiate between each other with their closest family members nearby, was our favorite memory of the day.


Evan & Jocelyn McDaniel


Jake & Korrin Taylor