Jake & Korrin Taylor

October 4, 2020 at BASH in Carmel, Indiana

Their Love Story

Jake and Korrin met in Forest City, Iowa while attending Waldorf University. What began as a friendship quickly turned into a beautiful romance. The couple met while sitting in their favorite professor's office. Neither one knew it at the time, but they had just been introduced to their soulmates. Over the course of the next four years, Korrin and Jake would face many ups and downs, and travel along a never ending road of adventures. They fell in love over late night conversations, sharing each others' hopes and dreams, and trying to figure out this whole life thing.

“What I love most about Jake is how much of a ray of sunshine he is. No matter where he goes, he radiates positivity and good vibes. I’ve never seen someone who can walk in to a room and immediately make everyone smile. He brings people to life without even trying and just has this way about him to make people feel at ease. He’s someone who stands up for the underdog and never puts anyone down. Everyone that knows Jake has always said he is sunshine. There are so many reasons why I love Jake, but this is one of the biggest reasons.”

Over the years they have taught each other many different things; from how to be courageous, to how to love and be loved, and all the way to Jake making Korrin learn about Star Wars (though Star Trek will forever be superior in her eyes). After graduation, Korrin and Jake moved to Noblesville, IN where they would continue to grow as not only a couple, but as individuals. The first year of living together was the most wonderful, and sometimes very frustrating, year of their lives. And it only got better as time went on.

“There really isn’t just one thing I love most about Korrin. Her calculated and planner-like mentalities mesh perfectly with my spontaneous and sporadic impulses. She always knows how to pick me up when I’m feeling down and knows how to bring me back to reality when I spiral off in my own little dream worlds. She’s loving and caring and nurturing in all aspects of her life and never gives up on me. She also is not someone who will put up with someones BS and can be a bada** when she needs to. I tend to get off track very easily and she is so patient and kind with getting me refocused on what’s important in everything we do. Honestly the most important thing to me is her and I would do anything for her forever and always.”

From festivals, to working together, to staying up all weekend listening to punk rock...the love only kept growing. And then the most magical of all moments happened: Jake and Korrin went to Florida. During their time in Florida, they met up with one of their closest friends. Korrin had never seen the ocean before so Jake and his friend made it a point that before the trip was over, Korrin would swim in the ocean.

Upon arriving at Madeira Beach, Korrin was overwhelmed with excitement. She was literally running around like a child from being so happy. Jake called Korrin out of the water in order to take a picture, because they wanted to remember the moment. As the picture was being taken, Jake turned to Korrin and said, "Before we take this picture, I have a question for you." Jake got down on one knee and asked Korrin the most beautiful question she has ever heard. In the background you could hear a crowd cheering and the waves splashing. Everything was perfect as Korrin said "yes!"

When reflecting on this moment, Korrin said “The best part of Jake proposing was by far having the waves in the background and how intimate it was. It was just us two and our best friend on the beach, and as soon as Jake proposed, we could hear loud cheering from everyone else on the beach.”

Jake had positive memories when thinking about their engagement as well. “It was sunset and the sun going down on the horizon was my time to propose. When I finally got her to come out of playing in the ocean for the first time in her life, I had my friend take a “picture of us”, (actually recording a video). I went down on one knee and forgot all my lovey, formal words that I wanted to say and just asked her to marry me. She said ‘yes’ and then the condo complex behind us, overlooking the beach, erupted with applause and cheers. I didn’t plan that aspect at all, but it made the moment that much more special. And my friend got it all recorded so we can relive it for the rest of our lives whenever we want.”


Their Wedding Day

When thinking ahead to what their wedding day would be like, Korrin said “I am most excited to marry my best friend. While we have planned so many different things for our wedding, there’s nothing else that I am more excited about.”

When imagining their wedding day, Jake said “I’m obviously most excited to marry the woman of my dreams. We have had an amazing journey up to this point and this is just another big adventure in our lives. I am an experience-driven person and I absolutely can’t wait to go through this adventure with my soulmate. I am also ecstatic that I will get to see all my friends and family from all over the world all in one place. But the most important aspect that I am excited for is marrying my best friend, partner in crime, soulmate, forever and always, Korrin.”

Their wedding featured an intimate gathering with their close family and friends while Korrin’s brother walked her down the aisle with a photo to honor their father. They used beautiful rugs as aisle runners and had a map pinning unity ceremony, which definitely gave this wedding a unique flair. After the ceremony, we went to a nearby courtyard and fountain to take formal photos. The rest of the evening was spent celebrating the union of Jake and Korrin through meaningful speeches, mingling and dancing.

After the wedding, they’ll be staying at a hotel and then going home the next day. Their honeymoon is planned to be in Florida in mid-November, around the same time that Jake proposed to Korrin. They plan on revisiting the beach where Jake asked her to marry him and spend the day reliving one of the best moments of their lives together.


Our Favorite Memory

This wedding had quaint details that we hadn’t seen at weddings previously and it’s always fun to admire the things that make the couple unique! Our favorite memory of Jake and Korrin’s wedding day was their first look. Korrin was both excited and nervous, but that didn’t keep her from spontaneously dancing while getting read! Jake anxiously waited to see her and when Korrin finally turned around the corner, he was overwhelmed with joy. He told her how beautiful she was, how perfect the dress was, and how much he loved her. Being able to join them and capture the truly priceless expressions of love and admiration was such a honor for us.


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